Michael Mary

Use accusations and reproaches to improve the relationship

Constant or recurring accusations can damage a relationship. But it is not difficult to use accusations to improve the relationship.
This course is part of a course series that teaches relationship skills, such topics as injuries, needs, jealousy, communication and others. This course is about reproaches and how to use them to improve a relationship. It contains two exercises, an exercise for those who make accusations and an exercise for those who are affected by accusations.

An overview of the course in the form of a video can be found here.

You can purchase the course ‚Use accusations and rproches to improve the relationship‘ in the following way:
– Send the amount of 12 Euro via PayPal to the account ‚info@nordholtverlag.de‘.
– Specify the course you want and give us your address.
– The course will then be sent to you by post on a USB stick.
– You can then view the course on your computer or laptop. The accompanying materials are also on the USB stick..

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